Estes Park vacation rentals are always worth considering, but be sure to check the calendar before you book and you could enjoy something even more special. Estes Park hosts a variety of events throughout the year, any of which would make a great addition to your vacation itinerary. For example, in early June, the Estes Park Jazz Fest takes place and features jazz musicians from across the country and beyond.

And when it’s time to book your weekend trip to Colorado, consider a vacation rental as your accommodation. Whether you prefer an urban loft, slopeside home, or mountain chalet, TripAdvisor offers a wide variety of different rentals across the state. You’ll be treated to homey amenities such as a full kitchen, laundry, and even perhaps a fireplace and Jacuzzi for those chilly Colorado nights! 

The climate change study projects further temperature increases, with greater warming in the summer and higher extreme temperatures by 2050. Due to the increased temperature, there is a projected moderate increase in the rate of water evaporation. Reduced snowfall—perhaps 15% to 30% less than current amounts—and the elimination of surface hail, along with the higher likelihood of intense precipitation events are predicted by 2050. Droughts may be more likely due to increased temperatures, increased evaporation rates, and potential changes in precipitation.[53] 

A lot of people are down on the Flacco trade and I get it....but think of it this way. If it were one year ago and the Broncos announced a trade of Demaryus Thomas for Joe Flacco, how would Bronconation feel about that? Because that's basically what this is. We are trading the 4th round pick we got from Houston in the Thomas deal for Flacco. Thomas for Flacco.The Little Guy
The sun made us lazy, and after following Brian as he made his way upstream I found a wider expanse of sand and gravel, promptly plopping down on a pair of flip flops I had brought in my backpack as a make-shift seat. After identifying the northern harrier hawk over my head, and the savannas sparrows and red-winged blackbirds perched precariously on reeds across the water, I took out my knitting project. I didn’t have to worry about losing Brian; in the valley I could see for miles in both directions.